目前分類:走進中醫 (2)

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Dear stamppot sister,
Our seminar with Dr. Wang that was planned on 20th Dec last year was cancelled due to the snow storm. So I am rescheduling it to Sunday 7th Feb. Please email me directly if you would like to attend the seminar.

Dr. Wang.jpg

10:30 ~ 11:00    Coffee & tea

11:00 ~ 12:00    Dr. Wang's seminar (see attachment for details)
12:00 ~ 15:00    Lunch (pot-luck), drink, etc....

I look forward to hearing from you.


Dear stamppot sisters,
Back by popular demand, I have the pleasure to have Dr. Wang giving the second seminar at my house in Amstelveen on Sunday, 20th December 2009. For the career ladies who missed Dr. Wang's first seminar in September (as I did), this is your opportunity to not miss it again. You can find out about Dr. Wang and his first seminar at http://stamppotclub.pixnet.net/blog/post/543690.

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Dr. Wang.jpg




Dear sisters:

It is my pleasure to invite you to the Stamppot September event in my home in Den Haag, on Thursday, 10th of September 2009.

10:30 coffee & tea

11:00- Dr. Wang, guest speaker, 主題﹕走進中醫
After Dr. Wang's session: Lunch

Everyone is welcome to stay as late as they wish. I am available the whole day.

Stamppot Club 邀請所有姊妹一起來認識以中醫的角度來面對及調理女性在人生不同


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